Vertical farming layers from a distance, with leafy greens

It has become possible to build a cost-efficient vertical farm from scratch based on the right choice of technical solutions. In this paper we discover how to build a successful vertical farm using optimal conditions, such as the right climate, lighting, energy consumption etc. You can access the white paper here

How to Harvest Better Crops with LED Grow Lights

Vertical farming layer with leafy greens and grow light panels

Plants are sensitive to light. This sensitivity is crucial in their survival, and whether they are planted in or outdoors, they respond to light intelligently. In vertical farming, where growers use artificial light to simulate natural light rhythms, custom LED grow lights play a central role in promoting plant growth and enhancing their life quality. […]

Personalising Nutritious Harvests with Vertical Farming

Vertical farming layers from a distance, with leafy greens

With the rapid urbanisation of our world, indoor vertical farming has quickly become a popular alternative to traditional farming. Since its conception, it has given farmers the ability to reap higher yields of better quality in much smaller spaces. As the global food supply chain experiences setbacks in food production and is faced with problems […]

Vertical Farming Technology: Our LED Grow Light System

Gracy, our panel for vertical farming lighting up a layer of leafy greens

Choosing sustainable farming technology can contribute to the core values of vertical farming—to create a better planet for future generations. Today, a wide range of vertical farming technology is available on the market. From vertical grow lights to smart shelves with technological integration, there is one noticeable trend amongst farmers: the increased use of LEDs […]

Vertical Farming vs. Traditional Farming

LED light panels Vertical farming illuminating a layer of crops, leafy greens

These days, populations are increasingly moving from rural to urban areas. This is a global phenomenon, and approximately 54% of people worldwide now lives in cities. With an increasing population density and a boom in technology, vertical farming has been on the rise to feed more mouths, replacing traditional farming. Proven by studies to be […]

The Right Lights for Vertical Farming Types and Techniques

Gracy, our panel for vertical farming lighting up a layer of leafy greens

Vertical farming is not a new phenomenon in this day and age. As urban growers expand farming locations to warehouses and shipping containers and develop new techniques to grow and harvest crops in small spaces, the LED industry has come up with innovative solutions to meet the needs of these modern farms.   The Boom […]

New mobile Vertical Farming Solution with Smart Shelves

Vertical farm with LED grow lights

As a pioneer in the lighting industry, LED iBond International A/S (LED iBond) has been developing new technology in the vertical farming sphere, making equipment more intelligent, sustainable, and convenient for commercial use. In late 2021, the company signed an agreement with UNI-TROLL Europe ApS and TPS Rental Systems Ltd to deliver smart shelves for […]

The Importance of Grow Light Color and Light Uniformity in Vertical Farming

LED light panels Vertical farming illuminating a layer of crops, leafy greens

Choosing the right grow light system can have a significant impact on indoor vertical farms, particularly those with no exposure to natural light. Different grow light colors facilitate different areas of plant growth, and light uniformity determines crop quality. Farmers should choose a combination of colored LEDs and grow light panels that offer high light […]